He appraised the investors that company has already completed a brownfield expansion worth Rs 4 billion and the project is financed at a finance cost of around 2.5% for 10 years, while the majority of the expansion was completed at Rupee dollar parity of 200. He appraised the audience about the growth potential of a few of the emerging products company recently launched which includes Ferulin (Insulin) Sematide (semaglutide) and Noxane (Enoxaparin sodium).
Mr. Sebastian Martin Ferrarassi, Chairman of the Board of BF Biosciences shared with the investors that BF was the first investment of the Bago Group of Argentina outside Latin America. Mr. Ferrarassi shared the Group’s journey in partnership with Ferozsons, from their initial partnership in 2003 to commissioning BF Biosciences Limited, Pakistan’s first Biotech Plant in 2009.
The Group not only invested equity in the facility but also undertook valuable technology transfer and training of BF Staff in producing biotech products. Mr. Ferrarassi said that it is a proud moment for the company and expressed his confidence about the company’s growth prospects.
The floor price for the issue has been set at Rs 55 per share through a 100% book building process.
Initially, 18.8 million shares or 21.23% of the issue size would be allotted to the successful bidders, while 6.25 million shares or 7.07% of the issue would go to the retail investors.
The unsubscribed shares, if any, of the general subscription portion would be allocated to the successful bidders of the book building portion on a pro-rata basis.
The issuer will utilize any additional funds raised above the floor price in managing its additional requirements for capex and working capital needs.
BF Biosciences has estimated that the maximum strike price for the IPO may climb to Rs 77 per share that would increase the funds raised to Rs 1.93 billion.
Once fully subscribed, the IPO will bring down the respective shareholdings of Ferozsons Laboratories and Bago Group of Argentina to 57.36% and 14.34% in BF Biosciences.
Arif Habib Limited has been appointed as a lead manager and book runner to the issue.
The company, once raised, will primarily spend Rs 560 million of the funds on buying plant and machinery to expand its product range and improve efficiency.
Soon after the commencement of Line II operations, the company is targeting PIC/S certification after which it will be aggressively exploring export markets.
BFBL is actively pursuing new registrations and plans to initiate exports to non-PIC/S nations.
Additionally, the BF Biosciences’ parent company, Ferozsons Laboratories, already has a strong presence in Far Eastern and Central Asian countries, which are the markets of their primary focus in the short and medium term.